
Nature protection and sustainable tourism

Protection and conservation of nature define the number of activities towards maintaining the integrity and balance of ecosystems and biodiversity. This concept seeks to prevent or correct harmful changes in nature arising as a result of human activity. Protected areas are one of the most efficient nature protection tools but one of the most visited tourist destinations in Croatia and beyond. To ensure undisturbed natural processes in protected areas, but also to contribute to the sustainable development of local communities that relate to them, the visitation should be focused on sustainable tourism as the only permissible form. Nature protection and sustainable development with the stress on sustainable tourism is the focus of the Nature & Adventure, small business for consulting and services and therefore contact us for:

  • preparation of strategic documents (management plans, plans for sustainable tourism, action plans for visitor management)
  • supporting in implementation of EU and other international projects described to nature protection and sustainable tourism
  • capacity-building related to the planning of the management of the protected and Natura 2000 areas (workshops, lectures)
  • strengthening the cooperation of local communities and public institutions (designing and facilitating workshops, study visits, lectures, presentations)
  • networking and initiatives related to sustainable development
  • creation of educational-interpretative pathways
  • education regarding sustainable tourism in natural areas (workshops, lectures)
  • development of active tourism programs and itineraries
  • designing and production of promotional materials (brochures, videos)
  • biological monitoring of Euroasian river otter (Lutra lutra L)
  • biological monitoring of Posidonia oceanica meadows
  • active tourism guiding


References in the development of strategic documents such as management plans for protected areas and geoparks, sustainable tourism plans, promotional materials and interpretation can be found here or send by request.